2021 New Year Goals (with Math!)


Start the 2021 new year off strong by having your students set true SMART goals!  Students will set their goals and then calculate the number of minutes and hours per week, month, and year that they want to work on their goals! Enjoy this FREEBIE!

Subject Grade Levels Resource Type File Type
New Year Goal Sheet, SMART Goals, Math


Goal Setting, Math calculations of goals PDF, 3 pages


Many people have New Year’s resolutions and goals, but do they think through the steps they need to take to reach their goal? Do they think through how much time they need to spend on the steps? Use this 2021 New Year Goals sheet to help your students problem solve how long they should spend on their steps each day/week/month to achieve their goal!

For middle school, students will also calculate the percentage and ratio of minutes spent on their goal per day/week/month.

Resources Included:

  • Goal sheet with time calculations sheet for Elementary (1 page-PDF)
  • Goal sheet with time calculations sheet for Middle School (2 pages- PDF)