Fact Fluency Through Subitizing: 6-10


Students need a bridge to be able to move from Perceptual to Conceptual Subitizing by strategic arrangement of dots with known numbers.  While they can use perceptual subitizing, this resource is used to help them start to see the parts that compose the whole.  

Subject Grade Levels Resource Type File Type
Math, Number Sense, Fact Fluency K-3 Number Talk Slides for whole group or small group, in class or distance learning  39 Google Slides


Subitizing builds number sense skills such as unitizing, conservation, composing and decomposing numbers. 

We know that students first develop perceptual subitizing- the ability to instantly see patterns and know the number.

Conceptual subitizing is seeing smaller groups instantly and composing them to make the whole number.

Students need a bridge to be able to move from Perceptual to Conceptual Subitizing by strategic arrangement of dots with known numbers.  While they can use perceptual subitizing, this resource is used to help them start to see the parts that compose the whole.  

Included in this Resource:

  • 39 Google Slides of dots for students to practice conceptual subitizing
  • Jamboard to record students’ responses when they ‘notice-wonder-make conjectures-prove’


How to Use the Resource:

  • Arrange the slides in the order that makes sense for your students’ needs.
  • Show the slide and have the students think about how many dots.
  • Have students share how they see the dots and record their thinking in numbers.
  • Ask questions to have the students discuss  what they notice, what they wonder and what conjectures they can make.