Multiplication & Division Number Strings


Number Strings are an effective way to get students to explore and discover a computation strategy!  Use these number strings to help students develop fact fluency and learn these computation strategies: Doubles, Double & Double, Double & 1 More Set, Identity Property, Tens, Using Tens, Square Numbers, Decompose a Factor, Decompose Both Factors, Half & Double.

Subject Grade Levels Resource Type File Type
Math, Fact Fluency, Number Strings 


Number Strings PDF 1 page


Use this document as a teaching tool for when you want your students to explore and discover computation strategies!

Number Strings are an effective way to get students to explore and discover a computation strategy!  Use these number strings to help students develop fact fluency and learn these computation strategies: Doubles, Double & Double, Double & 1 More Set, Identity Property, Tens, Using Tens, Decompose a Factor, Decompose Both Factors, Half & Double.

The key piece is for students to discuss the connections and patterns between the expressions.  By noticing connections and patterns, students can make predictions and conjectures about computation strategies.

Included in this Resource:

  • Document of Number Strings to help students learn computation strategies